Just when you think you've mastered something it throws you a curve ball and you realise that there is a lot more to learn. I know I've only been making bread for a few months but I was starting to feel confident. Shows what I know!
With friends coming over for lunch last Sunday I wanted to show them how I had progressed in the bread-making stakes and as I was making a lamb tagine I thought a nice olive bread would go a long way to soaking up those spicy juices.
The dough was a rye dough (400g Strong White Flour and 100g Rye with 10g yeast, 10g salt and 350g water). The olive part comes from olive paste which is easily made. Take a jar of olives (in this case black), drain and then whizz up with some herbs (thyme, basil and oregano) and a dash of extra virgin olive oil. Easy.
Once the dough has rested for an hour you divide it into three (this qty makes three loaves). Take each one in turn and flatten, spread about a tablespoon of your olive paste over it and then shape into a loaf. They then rest until they have doubled in size. So far so easy.
The problem arose when I tried to transfer the loaves to the baking stone in the oven. Without the aid of a peel (a spade-like wooden implement used to transfer dough to the oven) the first loaf just collapsed on me and I had to quickly re-shape it and chuck it on the stone. I then decided that a baking tray would be the best option for the other two but loaf number two wasn't having any of it and it collapsed. I fashioned it into another shape and managed to get loaf number three onto the baking tray without too much damage. What a palaver! Then then baked for about 20 minutes and came out as you see them above, three very different loaves! Despite that they went down ok with the guests, I guess looks don't matter so much when it comes down to it.
bread was great, just a strange shape xxx